NaNoWriMo First Weekend

Adrift in the Ocean of Change

A hundred years after a catastrophic flooding event, the entire world is covered in ocean. Humans survive in boats made of bone and leather, leading nomadic lives, and meeting at coral reefs and kelp forests to trade. Then, one young woman goes diving for pearls, only to find something far more precious: seeds. She finds herself caught between three leaders who think they should have sole control of the seeds. Her own plan? To share them with all of humanity.

So I’m doing my waterworld inspired novel, but I haven’t got much done yet, I’m sick for the first weekend and have very little inspiration to write. But now I have something to live up to. Winning the first day of 30 Covers, 30 Days was a shock, I didn’t even know I had until someone NaNoMailed me. Of course of the last couple of days I’d been debating changing the title, I wasn’t sure it fit and was debating just calling it Waterworld.

I’m behind now, but I’ve finished the first chapter and made some decisions, and am not making others. Do you want me to upload chapters?